How much time do you spend trying to pick out your outfit in the morning? I used to rip through my closet trying to find the perfect blouse or my favorite skirt. I would throw the rejected pieces on my bed, then rush out the door. Finding that one perfect piece can not only tie your look together, but can essentially sky rocket your confidence level.
However, not locating your favorite finishing touch can put you in a funk for the rest of the day. How do we avoid this closet chaos?
1.Play Dress Up: Try on a few outfits and experiment with different accessories, shoes and handbags. A couple trendy pieces can update your look. This will also help you realize what you should keep and pitch in your wardrobe.
2.Plan ahead: After brainstorming a few outfits for the week, lay out your outfit the night before. You will be less likely to second guess yourself in the morning.
3.Clean as you go: If you have to rip through your closet while getting ready for work (or a date), try to put your "rejects" right back on the hanger. When you return home you will be glad you don't have a mound of clothes in the middle of your room.
4.Organization is Key: Being organized goes a long way. Arrange your hanging garments by color, and arrange your dresser drawers by category(short-sleeved tees, pajamas, tanktops, shorts, leggings, etc.) Grab a FlipFold to fold your jeans, workout tees, long and short sleeved shirts. You will be able to crisply fold all of your garments to a uniform size everytime.
Hope these tips save you a few moments in the morning!
Happy Folding!
Debbee & The FlipFold Team
"I have to shopping, I know my life will work if I can just find the perfect outfit"-Unknown
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