Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 Will be a "FLIPPIN" good year!

OK...It's that time of year again...The time that we look forward to starting anew...a clean slate....this year I am really going to do it right....I will be organized...I will exercise...I will eat right...I will be a better person....sound familiar????

If it does...GOOD. I truely believe that positive thinking and good intentions are a necessary first step to making Good things happen.
Now, I will be the first one to admit that I can not remember a year that I actually acheived my entire list of resolutions :-( But I will pat myself on the back for chipping away at the big mountain of challenges that I recognize every New Year's Day.

I will jump into 2010 with my "Large basket of unfolded laundry"(obviously this is a metephor for my "to do" list, you know I have a FLIPFOLD ) ....and fold one piece at a time. I plan on getting to the bottom of the pile this year!


1 comment:

Eric and Robyn said...

Is this available in Australia yet?