How is it November already?!? Where did this year go? Before we know it Thanksgiving will be upon us. I have slowly begun to think about which set of dishes I will be using for this years feast. Between prepping, cleaning, and cooking the day seems to go by so fast.
This year, I am going to try to do as much before Turkey Day as possible, this includes setting my table. I will definitely be using my
Flip 'N Feast. It makes setting my table a breeze.

I just open up the
Flip 'N Feast which comes with a luxurious
reversible table runner, 4 reversible place mats,4 matching napkins & 4 napkin rings. Everything you need will be in one place!
And, if you need more place mats and napkins, we have
completer sets available. Flip 'N Feast is available in "Red"(red & gold) or "Rumble in the Jungle" (tan & black-leopard/animal print).
Visit our sale page now & purchase the Flip 'N Feast, now priced at $16.99!Happy Decorating!
Debbee & The FlipFold Team